
"Hello WORLD"



I am a professional project manager and BI architect
with a strong technical background and extensive experience in complex IT projects.

My profile

General info

  • Name:     Simone Tagliafraschi
  • Birthday: August 11, 1985
  • Job site:

A little more deeper about me

Proven experience in Business Intelligence project management and planning, including:

  • tech advisory, data strategy and technology orienteering
  • definition and of modern data platform architectures
  • information modeling and processing
  • analysis and standardization of business reports
  • realization of summary reports and dashboards

All from the perspective of technological innovation to support strategic business decisions.

Able to communicate with the appropriate audiences at all levels of a large organization in both a business and a technical context. 

Deep knowledge of the business processes of the industries: fashion, energy & utilities, manufacturing and insurance.


My job

Project Management

If you want to do something... do it well!
If it's agile...better!

Service Management

The best service is the one provided with the customer's expectations.

Business Intelligence

From a data lover to data lovers...

Standardization &
Data Governance

Continuing to do ad-hoc things is not the right way to handle complexity for maintenance purposes.

Training & Mentoring

IT means continuous improvement skills both tech and soft.


The amount of data is always expanding, we need people continuously who know how to deal with it properly.

My expertises

Assessment skills

Expertises (Self-Evaluation)

Industry competencies
  • Fashion (advanced exp.)
  • Energy & utilities (high exp.)
  • Insurance (high exp.)
  • Manufacturing (medium exp.)
  • Telco (basic exp.)
  • Pharma (basic exp.)
Business competencies
  • Deep knowledge of retail business with special focus on fashion companies.
  • Significant experience in Supply Chain and Merchandise areas, process analysis, monitoring and Key Performance Indicator definition.
  • Expertise in process/workflow analysis and re-engineering.
Technical skills
  • Agile methodologies (frameworks: Kanban e Scrum).
  • OLAP/Reporting/BI Tools (Microstrategy, QlikView, Tableau, SAP Business Objects).
  • Datawarehousing, Enterprise Data Architecture, Data modeling, ETL design.
  • Databases (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM Lotus Notes).
  • Object-oriented programming: Visual Basic, LotusScript, Java, JavaScript.
Soft skills
  • Flexibility and creativeness to adapt quickly in a rapidly changing environment.
  • Demonstrated strengths in delivering high quality projects within budget and on time, exceeding project sponsor’s expectations.
  • Proven success in building and motivating workgroups.
  • Excellent customer focus, communication and interpersonal skills.

My portfolio - some companies I have worked with...

My references

Ho avuto modo di lavorare con Simone troppo poco rispetto a quanto avrei voluto. Scelto dopo una lunga selezione, Simone ha dimostrato di essere un professionista completo, sia per il possesso di competenze tecniche di rilievo, sia per la capacità di relazionarsi con il resto del team. Sempre preciso ed attento, è capace di risolvere le situazioni più complesse senza mai tralasciare la cura della relazione con il business. Sono certo che Simone avrà la forza di raggiungere qualsiasi obiettivo professionale e sono altresì convinto che avrà uno sviluppo di carriera sempre più significativo.
Conosco Simone ormai da diversi anni, e posso dire che è un professionista serio ed affidabile e un sicuro punto di riferimento oltre che una persona squisita. Tecnicamente è molto competente ed è capace di trasmettere a chiunque l'entusiamo e la passione che mette in quello che fa.
Ho avuto il piacere di collaborare con Simone per diversi anni e in diversi progetti. Lo ritengo una delle persone più preparate con le quali ho lavorato finora. Simone unisce oltre alle rimarcate competenze tecniche e funzionali, anche ottime doti comunicative, organizzative e di team leadership. E' il collega ideale da avere affianco nei momenti di difficoltà e non.

Useful Information

My Contact

Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy
+39... send me an email ! 😉

My Business Hours

  •  Monday   - Friday:   09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
  • Saturday - Sunday: non-working days

Get in touch

Send me a massage if you want contact me!